Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How Often Should We Tweet ?

We often get asked when’s the best time and day to tweet as well as how often so here are a few guidelines to consider for your business’s content strategy.

How often should I tweet?
It depends on your business, but we suggest establishing a regular cadence of tweeting so your followers know when they are going to get updates from you.

What is the best time to tweet?
We’ve seen that there is double* the engagement rate when Tweets are published during the day (8AM - 7PM).  However, consider tweeting throughout the day to reach different time zones.

Which day of the week should I tweet on?
Test multiple days of the week to see what works best.  Saturdays and Sundays may have a higher engagement rate as that is when most people are not at work.

Start applying these guidelines by logging into Twitter today.