Wednesday, June 6, 2012

President Obama "Make mobile software applications and web sites within the next 12 months"

Back in May 2011, President Obama issued a memorandum to US governmental agencies: get on mobile now. Referencing an Executive Order ( 13571 ) he gave roughly a year back, which ordered agency heads to start searching out and using cutting edge technologies to deliver their services, Obama has ordered all agencies to make mobile software applications and web sites within the next 12 months. And he’s helping them out too ; today, the CIO will release a strategy guide to help agencies do this, titled “Digital Government : Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People.”

Your website in the hands of the world

Looking through the data a few trends become very clear.

  • Mobile web usage is growing at a huge rate around the world.
  • High-speed mobile web subscriptions are growing at a huge rate and have enormous room to continue growing.
  • Smartphones with web browsers are the fastest-growing device types for high-speed mobile web subscribers around the world.
  • More and more people are accessing the internet primarily or exclusively on mobile.

All 4 of these trends show no sign of slowing or reversing. The mobile web wave that is sweeping the world will benefit those who are well positioned to ride it – and the best positioned are those with a mobile website.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: mobile is here to stay and the time to act is now.
Need help with your mobile strategy?

Friday, June 1, 2012

More Information on the Mobile Industry - Video

If you're interested in the future of mobile and how it will affect your business take the time to watch this video. Mobile is here and  now  !